The new year

We've said goodbye to another year and welcomed in 2016. A new year, a new me? Not the approach that I am taking. I'm sitting here in a messy room, drinking Fanta and wondering what the next 366 days are going to bring. I believe that this year is going to be one of moving on and making big changes that will influence the course of my life. But it will also have those days where it's just normal life. The day-to-day doings that everyone will do the vast majority of the year.

I didn't want to set any resolutions this year. I always find that by the end of January I've broken them or realised that what I want to do is far to unrealistic for what I can do considering that I am a teenager and I have little means of transport or finance. But what I do want to do this year is make the right choice. Or at least the choice that I believe will positively impact on my life and the lives of the people who have to deal with me. I have some very crucial decisions to make this year and in reality if I don't make the correct one, could impact the rest of my life. And whilst I know what I have my heart set on, it is very hard to ignore the other more accessible route. The easy way out.

So what will the next 366 days bring? I don't know, I can't tell the future. What I do know is that what I choose to do, and the way in which I choose to do it, is down to me. So lets make 2016 a good one.


  1. I love your new blog, can't wait for more (do I get a cameo?)


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