My Top 5 Musicals

Musicals and musical theatre are a huge part of my life. It's the industry I want to work in, the place I escape to and the place where a large majority of my idols work and have influence. I wanted to share my current top 5 musicals, as I love finding out other peoples favourite musicals! A little side note/fun fact I've only seen 2 of my top five although I will be seeing my favourite this year! Anyway on with the list!

5. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

In at number 5 we have Sweeney Todd, A musical written by the wonderful Stephen Sondheim. This musical was first introduced to me by my best friend, and I fell in love with it. The witty lyrics and memorable tunes captured my attention and I found I was sympathising with in essence a serial killer. 
One of the two of my top 5 that I've actually seen on stage, it is a very firm favourite and I would recommend to anyone who enjoys musicals. Unless you're squeamish. Stay clear of the film :) 

4. The Phantom of the Opera

In at number 4 we have The Phantom of The Opera by Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber. This man is a creative genius. His beautiful melodies and meaningful lyrics are emotive and one of the reasons why it's one of my favourites.
I particularly love the 25th anniversary performance at the Royal Albert Hall where Sierra Boggess as Christine Daae and Ramin Karimloo as the Phantom graced the stage and performed so beautifully. They are my personal favourites and two of my inspirations when it comes to performing and theatre. If you ever get the chance to see the show, take it, it is incredible. 

3. Dogfight

Dogfight, written by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul is in at number 3. This musical is so incredible and underrated. Based on the 1991 film, Dogfight is a musical about cruelty and hope. This musical takes you on the journey of Rose Fenny and Eddie Birdlace. 
The series Fly Girl:Backstage at Wicked with Lindsay Mendez, was what introduced me to this heartfelt musical. It introduced me to the ever so talented Derek Klena (checked shirt) and Lindsay Mendez (pink dress) and I have been in awe ever since. Their vocal and acting ability is something I wish and strive toward. 

2. Wicked: The untold Story of the Witches of Oz

Number 2 brings Wicked, the unbelievable musical written by Stephen Schwartz. This musical tells the story of two witches Elphaba Thropp and Galinda Upland. These witches more commonly known as The Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good, are taken from the musical The Wizard of Oz. We learn of their backstory and the corrupt governing of the Wizard. 
This musical is the other of my top 5 that I've seen and one of the ones that has impacted me the most. I was instantly obsessed with Wicked as soon as the show started. It wasn't just the intricate story or the incredible singing. The lighting plot along with the special effects (not giving any spoilers) makes this show just so unbelievable beautiful. 

1. Les Miserables 

This classic musical is my favourite and it has been for a long time. Claude-Michel Schönberg and Alain Boubil are responsible for this emotional musical. I was first introduced to this musical through the 2012 film, directed my Tom Hooper. I loved the music and the story and thought nothing else about it until Carrie Hope Fletcher, the youtuber, uploaded a video of herself announcing that she was going to Eponine in the west end production of the show. This sparked my love for the show so much, I had a little tear(s) in my eye when re-watching this video, on her last day at Les Mis, after 2 years and 8 months. This is the video. I am so grateful to be able to go and see this show this year. Although the show is very emotional, it has so many important messages and I think that it will carry on running for years and years. I even cried at the short 30th anniversary video finale I got to see. 
So thats it, my top 5 musicals. Do you have any suggestions of musicals that you think I should see or look up?  I would love to know :)

I do not own any of these images. 


  1. American Idiot and Phantom of the Opera are mine. Don't mind Grease or Mama Mia but hate High School Musical. Really wanna see the Rocky Horror Show

    1. I have never seen Mama Mia! It doesn't really appeal to me! I want to go and see Rocky Horror live! It has audience interaction and apparently makes it so much better! :)


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